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Why are so many Experts willing to do a first call for free?

Zintro is a B2B site with a primary goal of helping our Client and Expert users be successful in business. So if Experts are on the platform in order to win paying engagements, why are so many willing to do an initial call without charge?

The answer is really straightforward. Zintro Expert’s will often times do a first call for free:

  1. If it seems like there is a bigger opportunity behind the initial call. In other words, the first call is a screening call for a larger project.
  2. If you are a good contact for the Expert and he/she wants to develop a relationship
  3. If there is a publicity opportunity for an Expert. For example, if you are a journalist who is seeking expert opinion for an article.
  4. If your Inquiry is related to a cause which interests the Expert. This could be a not-for-profit cause (e.g. “famine in Africa”) or an interest which the Expert has an intellectual interest (eg. “next generation thin-film photovoltaics”)

So, you should plan on offering payment to Experts for first phone calls if:

  • You objective if for-profit AND;
  • If the full extent of the opportunity for the Expert is the initial call

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